Travel grants by NCP_WIDERA.NET

PRAXI Network/FORTH, National Contact Point of “Widening Participation and Strengthening of the EU Research Area” of Horizon Europe and partner of  NCP_WIDERA.NET project, announces travel grants to support Greek legal entities to participate insitu to brokerage events relating to Clusters under Pillar II of Horizon Europe.

NCP_WIDERA.NET finances travel grants of applicants coming from Widening countries with the aim to support their participation in proposals of Pillar II calls.

Interested applicants are invited to submit their application for the following brokerage event:

  • “Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Calls 2024 Brokerage Event”, September 26 2023

Organiser: The EU projects for National Contact Points for Cluster 6 “CARE4BIO”.

Place: Charlemange Building of the EC, Brussels, Belgium


  •  Any other brokerage event targeting Pillar II requiring onsite presence of participants

Rules and eligibility criteria

The call for travel grants is addressed to personnel (natural persons) of Greek legal entities intending to apply for funding in the any of the topics relating to clusters of Pillar II under Horizon Europe either as partners or coordinators of consortia.

Only one (1) delegate per legal entity/research lab (in case of research-based institutions) is eligible for funding following evaluation.

Financing: Up to 1.000 euros will be reimbursed, based on actual costs, to the personnel (natural persons) of legal entities that received a positive evaluation of their application. The grant covers air ticket, hotel accommodation and transportation expenses.  Reimbursement will take place after the completion of the trip and following reception of all supporting documentation accompanied by an event report (see file on reimbursement rules). If travel costs exceeds the ceiling for reimbursement, the maximum reimbursement amount of 1.000 euros shall apply.

Reminder: It is important not to issue any ticket or bill any hotel booking before PRAXI Network/FORTH approves your application and follow the instructions in relation to your trip

Evaluation: Applications will be prioritised according to:

  • a clear and sufficient description of a project idea and/or contribution as a partner in consortia, in topics covered by the brokerage event
  • validated profile from the event’s  website
  • low to moderate participation in framework programmes
  • in case of academic/research institutions, early stage researchers (postdoctoral fellows, postdoctoral associates, first stage researchers)

Evaluation will be carried out by the National Contact Point(s) of WIDERA and the thematic National Contact Points concerned.

This call shall remain open until the budget for travel grants is fully distributed.

Interested organisations may send their application in English, in pdf form to the following e-mail addresses:,

Reference documents

More info:

Vassiliki Kalodimou, WIDERA NCP, Tel.: 210 3607690, e-mail: vkalodimou at

Maria Mikroni, WIDERA NCP, Tel.: 210 3607690, e-mail: mikroni at

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